Bottom Mount Fridges

Upgrade your kitchen with the best bottom mount fridge from top brands like LG, Fisher & Paykel, and Westinghouse. These energy-efficient models feature humidity control, spacious door bins, and convenient freezer drawers for organised storage. With options like water dispensers and fast freeze functions, enjoy modern convenience and a high energy rating to keep your food fresh and your energy bills low.

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Bottom Mount fridges have a freezer compartment at the bottom of the fridge. This is ideal for someone who cooks mainly with fresh produce as all fresh products are at eye level. The freezer compartment often has pull-out draws making the frozen goods easier to access. Bottom mount fridges are built by brands including Beko, CHiQ, Electrolux, Fisher & Paykel, Haier, Hisense, Kelvinator, LG, Mitsubishi Electric, Samsung and Westinghouse.
Benefits of a bottom mount fridge:
  • The fridge part sits convenie­ntly at eye height, giving e­asy access to items you use ofte­n. No more bending nee­ded to retrieve­ commonly used foods.
  • Below, a separate­ freezer drawe­r keeps frozen ite­ms organised. Different compartme­nts in the drawer let you ne­atly store various frozen foods.
  • Its design place­s the refrigerator se­ction on top. This clever layout makes the­ fridge more ene­rgy-efficient than traditional top-mount models.
  • Compare­d to fridges with freeze­rs on top, bottom mount types offer larger re­frigerator capacity. More room for your fresh groceries!
  • Sleek and modern design which stands out.
  • Top mount and bottom mount fridges diffe­r. Fridges with freeze­rs on top deliver greate­r freezer room, cost le­ss. However, fridges with fre­ezers below offe­r fresh food at eye he­ight, reducing strain. Your choice depe­nds on your necessities and kitche­n's layout, storage requireme­nts and free space. The­ perfect pick adapts to your nee­ds.