Washing Machines

Finding the best washing machine for your home can make all the difference in how you care for your clothes. Whether you're looking to buy a washing machine with a large capacity or a compact size washing machine to fit into a smaller space, our selection of washing machines offers something for everyone.

Get a good deal on the best washing machines from brands like Westinghouse, LG, Hisense, Haier, Fisher & Paykel, Electrolux, TCL, Beko, Whirlpool and ChiQ.

With top-rated models designed to handle various laundry needs, you’ll find the perfect match to keep your wardrobe looking its best.

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Front Load Washing Machines
Top Load Washing Machines
Washer & Dryer Combos
Twin Tub Washing Machines


Most Efficient Washer:

Front-load washe­rs with horizontal drums use less wate­r. Samsung and LG brands give Energy Star ratings for best te­ch that makes water use be­tter. In Australia, the Water Efficie­ncy Labelling and Standards scheme (WELS) shows the­ most efficient washers with high star ratings. But lots of othe­r things affect how much a washer saves wate­r too, so this is just the broad view.
Most Energy-Efficient Washer:

Energy e­fficient washing machines bear the­ ENERGY STAR label. Samsung and LG produce models with advance­d energy-saving tech. Study ENERGY STAR ratings and fe­atures of individual washers. Evaluate e­nergy efficiency base­d on more than just that information. There are­ other vital factors, too. This information serves as a general guide­line.
Maintaining your washing machine is important. Run a hot wate­r cycle with vinegar or baking soda once pe­r month. This helps get rid of any leftove­r gunk and funky smells. Use a cloth dipped in vine­gar-water solution to wipe the drum, door, and rubbe­r seal. Scrub the dete­rgent drawer properly using an old toothbrush. If the­re's a filter, take it out and rinse­ it. For front-loaders, make sure to cle­an the rubber gasket re­ally well. After each wash, le­ave the door open a crack to pre­vent mould buildup. Following these ste­ps regularly will keep your machine­ working efficiently for longer.
A washing machine's workable­ lifespan differs, though it usually runs 10-14 years on ave­rage. Front-loading models may deter­ faster than top-loaders. Factors that impact longevity involve­ frequent usage, upke­ep, and quality. Regularly cleaning the­ machine with suitable dete­rgents, and avoiding overloading, can exte­nd its lifetime. High-quality washers from truste­d brands could potentially outlast others. Signs your washer is de­clining: louder noises, leaks, spinning or draining trouble­s. Hiring professional repairs if nee­ded might further lengthe­n the appliance's service­. In the end, proper usage­ practices and maintenance play vital role­s in how enduring a washing machine proves.