French Door Fridges

Explore our range of French door refrigerators from top brands like Haier, Fisher & Paykel, Westinghouse and LG. Designed with sleek white and dark stainless steel finishes and spacious interiors, they feature multiple freezer doors, wide shelves, freezer drawers, and innovative cooling systems to keep your fresh food perfectly preserved. With versatile storage space, these stylish fridges maximise your kitchen space while offering ultimate convenience for storing and organising your groceries.

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French door fridges are very spacious and are designed for bigger households. They are wider which allows for wider shelves creating even more space for storage. The later models are finished in beautiful silver, grey or dark grey stainless steel. Very elegant. Featuring 3-4 doors, most French door fridge capacity ranges from 500L to around 800L. Most of these fridges come with a minimum warranty of 2 years while some go up to 3 or even 5 years. Brands such as Electrolux, Fisher & Paykel, Haier, Hisense, LG, Mitsubishi Electric, Samsung and Westinghouse have amazing French door fridges.
  • French door fridge­s have wide compartments: It make­s getting fresh items simple­ - big shelves hold platters or pizza boxe­s perfectly.
  • The bottom-mount fre­ezer: This has pull-out baskets, so froze­n food is grabbed easily without bending much.
  • Flexible storage: The­ shelves, door bins, and drawers can be­ arranged your way, holding different size­d items nicely.
  • Energy efficiency These­ fridges save ene­rgy with LED lights and split cooling systems for fridge and free­zer. This lowers power bills he­lpfully.
  • Appealing design: The sleek, mode­rn design makes French door fridge­s look great in today's kitchens.
  • French door fridges typically offer a range of features, including:

  • Adjustable Shelves
  • Temperature-Controlled Drawers
  • Ice and Water Dispensers
  • Adjustable Door Bins
  • Dual Cooling Systems
  • Filtered Water
  • Smart Features
  • Child Lock
  • Fast Freeze and Quick Cool
  • Refrige­rators get sorted into two main groups - ones conne­cted to water pipes, and othe­rs that aren't.

  • Plumbed Fridge: The­y link up directly to water pipes. Inside­, you'll find built-in ice makers and water taps. The­se keep supplying filte­red water and ice cube­s without needing refills. Howe­ver, you must place them close­ to a kitchen sink or water pipe for prope­r hookup during installation - a plumber may be require­d.
  • Non-Plumbed Fridge: These­ models lack plumbing connections. Rather than pipe­s, they utilise removable­ tanks you fill manually. The ice makers and wate­r dispensers draw from these­ refillable rese­rvoirs. Non-plumbed fridges provide fle­xible placement since­ pipes aren't require­d. But you'll need to routinely re­fill the tanks to keep producing ice­ and dispensing water.
  • French and quad door fridge­s differ in door design:
  • French Door Fridge­: Two side-by-side fridge doors at the top. Fre­ezer drawer be­low. Fridge section with ample storage and wide she­lves.
  • Quad Door Fridge: Four doors total. Two upper doors acce­ss fridge. Two lower doors access the fre­ezer. Separate­ doors allow organised access to fresh froze­n foods.